• Faridabad Catechism, Faridabad
  • 8281406226
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Motto of the Year 2021-2022

Motto of the Year 2021-2022


‘Closer to Jesus’, that is my life plan. The Pandemic Covid-19, that has engulfed us since last two years, has ceased all our learnings, social interactions and created panic situation. This social distancing has affected our faith formation indefinitely. However, it is the Lord’s amazing grace that didn’t stop or surcease the catechetical practices.Inspired by the marvellous dedication and efforts put together, this year, a motto was chosen that would be relevant in the present situation, “Sharing Christ through Social Media” and thus sending across a message to be closer to Jesus. The Church has a great responsibility in imparting faith education to the present and the upcoming generations. The lockdown and social distancing have bridled faith formation and its effectiveness. However, through various online platforms, the catechism classes sprouted up once again. Since, virtual platform being dearer to the present generation, the same is pertinently used to share the teachings of Christ. The motto of 2021-22 is also a call to each of us to utilize the electronic media for the sake of evangelization. Hope we all once again come together with the same zeal and enthusiasm.